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Parallel Worlds: How A Lifestyle App Shed Light on China’s Education Gap
Anxiety has grown among China’s rural students as the internet provides them with glimpses into the lives of their more privileged urban peers

No Time to Teach
Facing more bureaucratic formalities, overwork, and dwindling respect, many of China’s teachers are leaving the profession for good

“You’re Just Bored”: China’s Depressed Teens Struggle for Understanding and Treatment
Mental health services and families struggle to understand, recognize, and treat rising teen depression

Arms Up! How Radio Exercises Live on in Modern China
How a German tradition from 1803 affects the massage parlors of China today

How English Went from Imperialist Treachery to Lingua Franca
While English language education was once practically forbidden, decades of reform have turned it into massive business

Inside China’s “Gaokao Factory”
A former students recounts her grueling schedule and eventual withdrawal from Hengshui, a city notorious for exam-prep schools

Class Struggles: Vocational Schools Still Fail to Provide Opportunities to Students
Dogged by social stigma and lack of resources, vocational high schools fail to give students the education they need to succeed in modern China

Student’s Suicide Exposes Abusive Factory Internships
Long hours, low pay, and intimidation a regular feature of vocational work study programs

Sweat and Sacrifice: Five Stories of Gaokao
Hopes, fears, and reminisces from takers of China’s high-stakes college entrance exams

China's School Counseling Throes
School psychologists struggle to protect students’ privacy and serve their mental health needs