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Written in the Stars: Astrological Signs in Ancient China
China’s adherence to the 12-year zodiac cycle is known around the world. What might be more surprising is that the West’s astrological signs have also existed in the country, possibly from the very beginning.

Who’s Afraid of the Chinese Ghostbuster?
Scare away spooks with Zhong Kui, a Chinese folk deity renowned for his frightening looks

Keep Books Safe With the Ancient Art of Chinese Book-Preservation
How ancient Chinese battled moths, mold, and moisture to keep their manuscripts safe

Three Romantic Tales for Qixi Festival
Discover some lesser-known love stories for Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Best (and Worst) Jokes of the Qing Dynasty
A joke book compiled by the "Master of Games" showcases Chinese humor from centuries ago

Investiture of the Gods: The 16th Century Tale Inspiring “Ne Zha 2”
Discover the epic tale behind “Ne Zha 2” with “Investiture of the Gods”—A 16th century Chinese novel of gods, heroes, and legendary battles