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10 Year Challenge: Government Edition
State media and party organizations take on the infamous Facebook challenge

Viral Week Ep. 182
Viral Week is our weekly round-up of the weekend’s trending memes, humor, rumor, gossip, and everything else Chinese netizens are chatting about. It’s the perfect start to the week.
Tech Thursday Episode 40
Worm turns on caterpillar fungus, pennies from heaven, Huawei’s “very scary” technology, China has the biggest number of patents and WeChat passport

[VIDEO] TWOC TV EP. 5: Designs on Industry
In this episode, TWOC explores China’s growing reputation for industrial design
Tech Thursday Episode 30
Death of a cashless store, China’s internet habits, males using phones, and another phone-maker accused of spying

Tech Thursday: Episode 15
WeChat translation goes full racist, Tsinghua website blocked, Samsung and Huawei battle it out, and China locates new stars

Tech Thursday: Episode 5
Virtual communism in the classroom, Huawei’s Pacific cable cancelled, food delivered to trains, and space food from poop

Attack of the Smartphone Makers
Chinese smartphone brands seem unstoppable, and they’re going global