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The Mermaid: How China’s First Female Olympian Paid the Price of Fame
Yeung Sau-king was the first female athlete to represent China at the 1936 Olympics (and also a journalist and spy), but not even medals could protect her from tabloid rumors and misogyny

Qin Liangyu: Ancient China’s Unstoppable Female General
Forget Mulan—ancient China’s most successful female military commander went undefeated in battle and earned honors for over 50 years

Reclaiming the Genius of China’s First Female Architect
As well as costing her an architecture degree, Lin Huiyin’s gender would lead many to focus on her looks and alleged love affairs over her groundbreaking work

The Rise of Female Perspectives in China’s Movie Industry
The female pioneers of China’s film industry and how they’re continuing to bring important, fresh perspectives to the big screen

Zhang Weili and China’s Upcoming Fight of the Century
How will the first all-Chinese title fight in UFC history impact China’s MMA community?

Tang Qunying: One of China’s Earliest Feminists
She led an army of women against Qing forces, fought her whole life for women’s rights, and even slapped the country’s top leaders for failing to commit to gender equality—meet Tang Qunying

Badass Ladies of Chinese History: Mathematician and Astronomer Wang Zhenyi
This master astronomer and mathematician solved the mystery of lunar eclipses, simplified proofs, and advocated learning for all—male and female

Four Ancient Chinese Female Scientists History Didn’t Forget
From weaving to medicine to math, these badass scientists left their mark on history, despite the patriarchal obstacles in their path

Play Like a Girl: How Women Forge New Communities Through Sport
Frisbee, rock-climbing, and other trendy pastimes are seeing growing interest from women, who make their own community in these sports

Tales of “Tiger Women” from Ancient China
Ancient Chinese labeled tough, fierce women “tigresses”—they often had to deal with sexism and unruly husbands